Get Moving to Relieve Stress!

Get Moving to Relieve Stress!

We all know that feeling when we have too much on our plate and our stress levels start to rise. For some of us, the thought of adding one more thing to our to-do list is enough to send us over the edge. But what if I told you that there was a way to […]

How Active Play Can Boost Immunity

How Active Play Can Boost Immunity

It’s no secret that kids love to play. But did you know that active play can also positively impact a child’s immune system? That’s right—the science of play shows us that by engaging in active, physical activity, kids can help build their immunity and stay healthy all year long. Here’s a closer look at how […]

The Heart of the Matter: How Active Play Can Improve Heart Health in Kids

The Heart of the Matter How Active Play Can Improve Heart Health in Kids

Everyone knows that exercise is important for maintaining a healthy body, but did you know that active play can also positively impact heart health? That’s right—getting kids up and moving benefits not only their physical health but their heart health as well! Here’s a closer look at how active play can help keep kids’ hearts […]

Recharge Your Mind with Active Play Breaks

Recharge Your Mind with Active Play Breaks

We’ve all been there—staring at a book or computer screen for hours on end and feeling mentally drained. It can be difficult to stay focused on a task for too long, and yet sometimes it’s necessary. Fortunately, there is a solution that can help break up long periods of study and refresh the mind. What […]

Unlocking New Abilities Through Active Play

Unlocking New Abilities Through Active Play

Learning new abilities can be difficult, especially for young children. It can take time and dedication to master a skill. However, there is no better way to help your child or student unlock their potential than through active play. Research shows that physical activities like sports and outdoor recreation have the power to improve motor […]

The Many Benefits of Active Play

Group of boys fixing their devices on their heads

If you’re like most people, the word “play” conjures up images of childhood fun. But did you know that play is actually an important part of learning and development? Research shows that active play helps children (and adults!) learn new abilities, build confidence, and develop social skills. Here are just a few of the benefits […]

The Importance of Active Play in Learning New Abilities

The Importance of Active Play in Learning New Abilities

Parents and educators often think of play as frivolous and a waste of time. But did you know that play is essential to a child’s development? Play allows children to explore their creativity, work through emotions, and develop new skills. And active play, in particular, has many benefits. Here’s a closer look at why active […]

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