Unlock the Fun: Play ZTAG & Energize at City of STEM

Looking to promote physical activity and STEM learning? Discover ZTAG, an exhilarating fusion of strategy and athleticism that bridges technology with exercise. Exciting news – ZTAG is a featured activity at the City of STEM 2023 event, a celebration of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in the Los Angeles Historic Park. This cutting-edge game […]
The Key to Better Social & Physical Interaction

Overview In today’s digital age, technology permeates every aspect of our lives, from computers to smartphones and tablets. This trend is particularly evident in children, who often prefer indoor activities like video games over outdoor play with peers. Consequences of Reduced Social Interaction This shift towards solitary screen time has concerning repercussions for children. Diminished […]
The Hidden Power of Active Play for Child Growth

Active play is not just about having fun; it’s a cornerstone of a child’s development. Children learn about their environment, discover their capabilities, and acquire crucial social skills through play. The significance of active play is underscored by the United Nations, which recognizes it as a fundamental right for children and teenagers. Challenges in Providing […]
Think Play is Just for Fun? It’s Crucial for Kids’ Growth

As adults, we know that all work and no play can lead to burnout. But did you know that it can also be detrimental to the development of children Studies have shown that active play builds imagination and creativity in children—and these two skills are essential for success in life. So let’s take a deeper […]
How Playtime Shapes Better Decision-Making in Kids

We all know that kids need to play. It’s how they learn about the world around them and develop important physical, social, and cognitive skills. But did you know that active play can also positively impact self-control? That’s right—the more active play kids get, the better they’ll control their impulses, regulate their emotions, and make […]
Why Kids Need Active Play for Better Lung Health

It’s no secret that exercise is good for you. Exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, helps to control weight, and can even improve mental health. But what about active play? Is active play just as important as exercise when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle? The answer is a resounding yes! Active play is […]
Why Active Play is the Best Workout for Agility

It’s no secret that physical activity is vital to a healthy lifestyle. We all know the benefits of regular exercise, but what about active play? We can improve our physical fitness and agility by encouraging active play in our daily lives. Let’s take a look at how active play can benefit us and why it […]
Why Play Is the Key to Energy & Healthy Living

Active play provides a crucial opportunity for children to develop healthy habits that will stay with them into adulthood. With the right environment and guidance, any child can learn to be active and make positive choices about their health. Let’s examine why active play is essential and how it can help kids develop healthy habits. […]
Unlock The Secret To Beating Stress: Get Moving!

We all know that feeling when we have too much on our plate and our stress levels start to rise. For some of us, the thought of adding one more thing to our to-do list is enough to send us over the edge. But what if I told you that there was a way to […]
The Truth About How Active Play Boosts Immunity

It’s no secret that kids love to play. But did you know that active play can also positively impact a child’s immune system? That’s right—the science of play shows us that by engaging in active, physical activity, kids can help build their immunity and stay healthy all year long. Here’s a closer look at how […]